As I spoke about in my last blog, heartbreak has found my daughter. She and her young man tried to work things out but after a month and a half, he told her tonight that he felt that God was leading him away from her. She is of course heartbroken and doesn't understand how God could lead this young man one way and yet not let her know about it. I think maybe she just didn't watch the signs. I have seen them for the last couple of months but wanted happiness for her. I still want happiness for her. I told her tonight that all I knew to offer her comfort was that if God has plans for these two people to be together then HE will lead them back that way. If He doesn't want them together then it means that God has someone better in mind for both of them. Obviously this was not much comfort coming from Mom. Thank you Lord for others who follow Your will as well. My sister in law offered the same bit of wisdom to my daughter as she cried in a call from Georgia to Pennsylvania. I am blessed to have sisters in law who love God and know that He does have a plan for us all.
Our pastor has been teaching from Psalms 23 for the last six weeks. Tonight we finished the chapter with verse 6. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Pastor stated that means that God has an over abundance of love for us and gives it to us regardless of whether we are worthy. Mercy is the act of giving to us that which we do not deserve. Grace is the act of NOT giving us what we Do deserve. I am so thankful that in this time of hardship that I have God to turn to. I am thankful that my daughter believes in this same loving God.
Over the last 40 years of my life, I have often strayed from the narrow path. I have many times turned my back on the teachings from my youth and tried to find my own way in this life. I am blessed that God is always there for me and has never turned His back on me even when I turned mine on Him. Sometimes it is hard to remember that He is a loving and merciful father, especially when there is pain in this life.
I wish I had the words and the ability to take that pain from my little girl. But into each life some pain and sorrow and struggle must come. Without it, she would not turn into the person God has in mind. it is much like the butterfly. If you help a butterfly from its cocoon, there is little chance that it will live. A butterfly must struggle from its wrappings on its own so that the wings can be strong to carry it through the feilds and air. Taking pain from my daughter would be what I want to do, but I can't take it away. I can just help to point her towards the Lord and the trust that He will never leave her or forsake her.
Oddly enough, while I am upset that this has happened, I must trust that God knows what He is doing. I can't regret that this young man was a part of our lives for the last year. Without his strong convictions about church, I don't think I would have gone back anytime soon. Without going back, I am not certain where I would be now. God has been my rock for the last year. I am not saying that I haven't stumbled and fallen and strayed still. But I am stronger in my faith today then I had been for many many years. I pray that regardless of what God does in regards to this relationship for my daughter, that HE will bless both her and this young man as they go forward in their lives. I pray too that the friendship manages to survive once the initial heartbreak is releaved.
Our pastor has been teaching from Psalms 23 for the last six weeks. Tonight we finished the chapter with verse 6. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Pastor stated that means that God has an over abundance of love for us and gives it to us regardless of whether we are worthy. Mercy is the act of giving to us that which we do not deserve. Grace is the act of NOT giving us what we Do deserve. I am so thankful that in this time of hardship that I have God to turn to. I am thankful that my daughter believes in this same loving God.
Over the last 40 years of my life, I have often strayed from the narrow path. I have many times turned my back on the teachings from my youth and tried to find my own way in this life. I am blessed that God is always there for me and has never turned His back on me even when I turned mine on Him. Sometimes it is hard to remember that He is a loving and merciful father, especially when there is pain in this life.
I wish I had the words and the ability to take that pain from my little girl. But into each life some pain and sorrow and struggle must come. Without it, she would not turn into the person God has in mind. it is much like the butterfly. If you help a butterfly from its cocoon, there is little chance that it will live. A butterfly must struggle from its wrappings on its own so that the wings can be strong to carry it through the feilds and air. Taking pain from my daughter would be what I want to do, but I can't take it away. I can just help to point her towards the Lord and the trust that He will never leave her or forsake her.
Oddly enough, while I am upset that this has happened, I must trust that God knows what He is doing. I can't regret that this young man was a part of our lives for the last year. Without his strong convictions about church, I don't think I would have gone back anytime soon. Without going back, I am not certain where I would be now. God has been my rock for the last year. I am not saying that I haven't stumbled and fallen and strayed still. But I am stronger in my faith today then I had been for many many years. I pray that regardless of what God does in regards to this relationship for my daughter, that HE will bless both her and this young man as they go forward in their lives. I pray too that the friendship manages to survive once the initial heartbreak is releaved.