Ever since Mom moved south and is closer to my family, we have gone up on Christmas Eve and spent the night. We usually get in late that evening because my husband works retail and he has to close the store before we can leave. Everything will be packed in the car and ready so that when he gets home we just have to drive up to Mom's. My sister and her family will already be there and excitement is in the air as we relish the time of being together. Mom's house is all decorated with a real tree that smells of pine. The tree has homemade ornaments made by Mom, Gram, my sister and I. The lights glow softly amidst the branches and instrumental Christmas Carols play.
Christmas morning we awake early to make our way into the living room with the children for presents. Gram and Uncle John come over as well and for a while there is mass confusion as we are opening presents and ooooooing and ahhhhhhing over them. Wrapping paper litters the floor and presents are scattered around everyone. Some years the presents are home made ones, other years they are store bought. Each year brings a mixture of laughter and tears of gladness as we exclaim over the gifts.
We take the time to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and say a prayer of thanks that He came to earth for us.
Many years my children didn't get to enjoy Christmas in such a manner because family lived so far away. I am so glad that we get to spend time with my mother, my stepfather and my grandmother while my kids get to enjoy it as well. I pray for many more of these years to come.