Over the years while watching PBS we have enjoyed the concerts of Celtic Woman that were broadcast. My husband had become a fan on their webpage and kept asking me to get him tickets for the shows that were at the Atlanta Fox Theatre. I unfortunately kept having to turn him down as tickets were so expensive.
This year, just before his birthday, he was at the website for Celtic Woman and all of a sudden let out a yell. They were again coming to the Fox Theatre but this time were filming their new video and tickets were to be $30 to $55 each. I told him I would order them the day they went on sale! I got four tickets since I knew that our almost 18 year old daughter would shoot us if we were to go without her and since she was going so was the son whether he wanted to or not. (turns out he did really want to go even though I didn't know he liked their music).
For a month now, we have been waiting for the show. My husband and I took the day off after the concert just to be sure that we weren't going in exhausted. The kids still had to go to school the next day regardless of the time we go home. Excitement was in the air as the day go closer.
Yesterday was the openning night for the two-day show which was being taped for the first video they have done in America. It was the night for us to attend. I stayed home that day as well and spent the day relaxing and getting myself ready for an evening in Atlanta. I picked the kids up from school about 15 minutes before the final bell and we drove to get my husband at work. He drove us down to Atlanta and we drove around Peachtree Street trying to find the theatre and then finding a parking lot that was close but reasonable in pricing. We were in line by 6 p.m. and excited as could be.
As we go to the door to have out tickets scanned, the usher informed us that we were going to have to go back to the ticket booth as there was an issue with our tickets. I was very upset since I knew that I had paid for them through ticketmaster and that they were valid tickets. I couldn't imagine what was going on but we wended our way through the crowd trying to get to the doors as we made our way back to the ticket booth. My son said "maybe they upgraded our seats" and I scoffed at him. After waiting at the booth for several minutes they came back and handed us new tickets explaining they had had to relocate us due to the taping. Our son was right... they were upgraded. The upgrade wasn't by much but it was an upgrade. Our original seats were on the right side in orchestra seating and we were to have been against the wall, our new seats were on the left side in orchestra seating, three rows closer to the stage and against center aisle! We had a good view of the stage and didn't have too many people in our way due to the boom camera that was set up off to our left and slightly in front. It wasn't in our way at all but it did keep people from being able to sit there.
Finally we were ready for the show to start..... Mairead came on the stage and the crowd went wild. She played her fiddle and danced about the stage as Chloe and the two Lisas joined her in song. It was an incredible start to the show and just fascinating to watch and hear in person. Tears sprang to my eyes as I was not able to believe I was actually there and getting to see this. There were many standing ovations throughout the evening as the women sang and the instumentalists played. There was even a spot where the crowd sang happy birthday to the drummer of the group. Costumes were amazing as well as the music. Bagpipers played along on several of the songs as well as a penny whistle and the bodran being played. I was in heaven. ( I honestly believe the haunting tones of the bagpipe will be played in heaven along with the harps and penny whistles and spoons and drums. How can they not be when they move my soul so much.) The Gwinnett Childrens Choir came on stage a few times to participate in the backup for the women. It was enjoyable to watch the women interact with the children. Mairead played and danced to her fiddle and the clogging man came out and danced along with her. It brought whoots from the crowd as my feet tapped and danced along with the music. (I am a fantastic jigger when my bottom is in a chair)
The show came to an end and we made our way out the side doors of the building and headed for our car talking about what we had seen. As we waited for the crosswalk to head to our car, our son caused several in the crowd to chuckle as he said " I liked the dancer, He is my favorite Celtic Woman" He was being silly but I knew what he meant. He really liked the energy that buzzed when the dancer came out on stage.
I know this is a night that none of us will forget and we look forward to watching the video time and again. I know we will be buying it the minute it goes on sale as well as watching it on PBA30 on December 3 when it airs on tv for the first time. The first time we watch it we will again be transported back to the Fox Theatre and watching the live taping of the video as well as looking for ourselves in the crowd!