I just wanted to introduce you to Irishlady..... that is myself. I am a 39 year old mother of two. I have a husband of 16 years. I am originally from East Hampton, NY but have been gone from there for the 16 years I have been married.
I think that I am an interesting person but I tend to be very serious. I will endeavor to make this blog enjoyable to read but since I have a bit of a quirky sense of humor it may not make a lot of sense sometimes.
I am a crafter. I like to quilt, cross stitch, crochet, embroider, and quill. I have a big tendancy to give away what I make. I have been doing various crafts since I was 6 years old and I have very few items in my home that I have kept. My mother on the other hand has many of the items I have stitched for her over the years as does my mother in law. They proudly display them for all to see. As a crafter I like to pass that knowledge on to my children. I have attempted to teach them these "forgotten" arts that seem to pass by the wayside as manufactures make them with machines. My daughter has learned to crochet and she makes blankets of her own.
I am a product of a large family and have many siblings. We fought and laughed and loved and cried together. As a child I resented being the oldest of 5. As an adult many times I feel a little left out when we all try to get together. I know that it is me but the rest of them seem closer to each other than I feel with them. It isn't easy to feel that way but I recognise that I am the one that chose to seperate from them for many years and now it is a time of rebuilding.
I currently live in Georgia in the HEAT of the country. I love this state and have no plans to move back north where it snows and I was miserably cold all the time.
Anyway, that is the run down on me. I will introduce you to new things about me as life allows and I write about it.
Welcome to bloggerville. I hope you will find a community to enjoy here.
I'd loooove to see the pieces of work you've created over the years. Maybe you chould take pictures next time you visit your mom's, and then post them for us to see.
OK Irishlady. See ya round the block.
I have pictures of some of the work on my myspace account. I will have to figure out how to move them over here and show them. That is one of the other reasons I don't have a picture of me showing yet =)
Yay! Pictures. :-D
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