Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Some Days are like that

This day has totally been a royal witch. I hae wanted to walk out on just about everything that I know I can't walk out on. Some days are just like that. I am angry and hurting and confused and just wanting to crawl in a hole and leave the world and everyone in it to themselves. It isn't an option really but some days are like that. I wonder sometimes if I disappeared how things would fare? Paperwork would pile up on my desk and while they might notice that was happening would they notice that I wasn't there to complete it? Would anyone care that I wasn't there? If I walked away from home and didnt return would they notice that the meals weren't being cooked or would they just find something to eat? Would they do the chores without me reminding them every hour that they need to be done? Would life change for them or would they just go on? Some days are just like that.


JonBoy said...

Your blog is excellent! We should link up. If your ever bored and would like to read a interesting story check out my blog "Curious Read" @

Karenkool said...

Everything ok? Sorry, I haven't checked in for a while. Life can totally suck sometimes. And then on other days (or weeks) it's lookin' pretty good. I hope it's better for you.

Irishlady said...

yes everythis is ok..... just feeling a little stressed at times. Work has been a pain lately and getting help around the house has gotten to be so much trouble I think about what they would do if I didn't do anything at all! Oh well!