When I was in junior high I insisted on learning to play the violin. I wasn't good at it at all and I pity my poor family having to listen to me practice that thing. I squeeked and sawed my way through practice and lessons. I lugged the violin with me to school at least once a week. They came to my concerts at school and even when I hated it because of a change in teachers I kept at it. I didn't want to be a quitter and kept hoping it would get better.
On the days that I carried that violin on the bus to go to school, I also had girl scouts. After school I would carry it and walk to my girl scout meetings. We had a fairly large troop and met at our leaders home. I remember wearing my green uniform to school and carrying that violin case. What a sight I must have made.
While I don't recall much of what I did in scouts other than the camping trips, I do remember carrying that case and that I looked forward to those days for one especially good reason. When scout meetings were done for the day, I got to walk up to my Aunt Sissy's house to wait for my father to pick me up.
Aunt Sissy was my grandmother's sister. She was a favorite of mine. She lived in this cute little house that was big enough for her and my cousin Butch. Butch was Aunt Nita's son but he lived with Aunt Sissy when I was in my preteens. Anyway, I would come in and Aunt Sissy would ask about my day. Her dog Mimi would be barking and growling at me and I would talk about what had happened that day as I was sitting at the table drinking a glass of water or tea.
Sometimes I would get to stay for dinner at Aunt Sissy's and she or Butch would bring me home afterwards. I don't recall much what we would have for dinner although I do know that I got to help make the tossed salad. Aunt Sissy taught me to make radish rosettes to put in the salad. I didn't really like the peppery taste of radishes but the fact that I got to make something pretty out of them was such fun.
Aunt Sissy always seemed to enjoy my company. I loved going to her little house and being there with her. It was quiet there and I got attention that I didn't have to share with any of my siblings.
I wish that my children had been able to meet and know her in person. Instead they know her through my memories and the things I treasure about her.
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