Thursday, April 21, 2011


Easter is in just a few days. For me this year it means a trip with my teens to see my mother and grandmother. They live about 90 minutes away and you would think we would see each other more often then we do. Unfortunately there are many weekends now that the kids have things going on and I have to be the chauffeur.
I am looking forward to this Easter. It has been some time since we have been able to spend the night with Mom and not had a rushed trip for just the day. I always feel rushed when we go for just the day. I enjoy visiting with everyone and like having big family dinners but it is nice to have Mom's attention on me and my children as well.
Anyway, the plan is for us to go for Saturday and spend the night and visit through until Sunday afternoon. We are going to attend church with Mom and Papa and Gram. My daughter and I went to buy new dresses for the occassion and my son will wear a nice outfit as well.
Easter doesn't mean new clothes and candy in baskets though. I have been raised and have raised my children as well that this is a time of celebration of the fact that Jesus died for us and He didn't stay in the grave but rose again to ascend to Heaven where He is making a place for us. I look forward to the church service where we will gather with other believers and raise our voices in songs of celebration.

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