Friday, June 3, 2011

Life's twists and turns

This has been a week of ups and downs and twists and turns. We had plans for a trip to PA to see my inlaws and were to leave last Sunday. On the Friday before we were to leave, I got a call from my sister telling me that my father in FL was at the emergency room. She didn't have more information than that but would call me when she got more. Now I was concerned about his health again.I just didn't know what was going on and I was trying to work and get the stuff done there because regardless of if I was going to PA or to FL I was going to need to leave my desk in order.
One of my other sisters called and said they had admitted Dad into the hospital and she was on her way to FL to see him. Then the sister that first called said she was on her way to pack for her and my third sister and they were flying down to FL from NY. Now I was really really scared and crying all the harder as I was trying to get my work done. I had no way to reach my dad and didn't know even what hospital he was at.
I called my mother for some much needed advice as to whether she thought I should go to Florida or keep my plans for going to PA. She didn't tell me which way I should go. Just gave me some advice to wait and see what the day brought. She did however remind me that my little brother who had dad's phone would probably know what hospital he was at and then i could maybe call the hospital.
I called him back and got the hospital name and then called the hospital where I hoped to get some information from a floor nurse or something. I got put straight to my dad's room and actually got to talk to him. He told me that he didnt know anything at that point other than they were waiting for test results. He told me that he thought I should go to PA and spend time with my inlaws.
I talked to my kids and to my husband and it was decided that we would see what the next morning brought but the plan was to continue with our current plans.
The next morning I spoke with my sisters who encouraged me to continue with the current plan and to not go to FL. They were there and if I was needed they would let me know for sure. So I did the necessary oil change in the car and the shopping that needed to be done and the trip to the dog sitter who would be coming in so I could give final instructions. I got the packing done and the car cleaned up and proceded to wait for Sunday.
Sunday morning dawned bright and clear and was a good day for a road trip. We loaded up the car with kids, luggage and cooler and headed north. While on the trip I placed a call to my father who again told me he was doing better but didn't know results of the tests. He again encouraged us to enjoy our trip.
Each day of this past week I have called the hospital and checked in with my dad or with my sister. Today he is being released. My emotions have been on a bit of a roller coaster as i have been concerned for Dad's health as well as tried to enjoy this time with my inlaws.
My father in law had a major surgery two month ago and this was the first time my kids and i were seeing him since that had happened. We were uncertain how independant he might still be able to be and I know i was concerned about his spirits. I should have known better. He has such an abiding faith that God has a purpose for everything and that there is a reason that God allows him to go through the difficult times and health issues.
On Tuesday my husband took his parents up to Hershey hospital for a followup on his dad's surgery. They were given the news that he is healing well and is ready for his preliminary prostetic leg. We are so thankful that this is already in the works as we thought it would be at least another month. It will give my father in law more freedom and indepence of movement again.
He has enjoyed this visit a great deal in that he has been able to spend time with his son and grandchildren as well as being able to get some of the jobs done around here that he hasn't been able to do on his own.
Life is a journey that we all must travel and we never know where it will lead or what twists there are in store for us. We must trust God to not let us stray too far from the path He wants us on.

1 comment: said...

I can only imagine the turmoil you felt in going to PA with not knowing what was going on with your dad. I hope everything turns out okay with him and his test results are normal. I am so glad you got to go to PA and spend time with Mel, Mark, Mis, Gary, the kids, Marianne, &U. Ro & A. Sue. I loved seeing the pics!