Thursday, May 9, 2013

The right stuff

I came home Monday evening to be told that the metal pipes under my kitchen sink had disintegrated and needed to be replaced. I was very upset as I hate having to repair things in the house. My eighteen year old son and I gathered up the parts and headed to Walmart to try to find what was needed for the repairs. We purchased a few items that we thought would work and headed home again. My son worked under the sink for several hours trying to get things fitted up properly and it didn't happen. My husband called on his way home from work and said he would pick up parts for it and we could get it fixed when he got home. Again my son worked under the cabinet with the 2nd set of new pipes and tried to get them to align properly. The plastic nuts just weren't connecting to the metal drain in the sink. Son was completely frustrated and decided to go take a shower and go to bed. I attempted to get the nut to align properly and also had issues. My husband managed to get one of the nuts on but it cross threaded and of course that wasn't going to work.
Tuesday night when I came home I crawled into the cabinet to try to get these pipes to fit. I fussed and fumed and grunted away as I was trying to get that stupid plastic nut to screw onto the metal drain. I pulled the metal nuts off the old pipes and tried to get them over the plastic pipe to fit to the metal drain. The metal nut wouldn't go over the bend of the plastic pipe. It just wasn't working and I gave up before I threw the pieces across the room.
Wednesday night my husband stopped and bought a third set of pipes with an additional piece to them, a little plastic piece that was straight for the plastic bend pipe to fit onto. The metal nut fit around that little plastic piece and then the bend pipe fit onto that piece as well. The job was complete in ten minutes and I had a working sink again.
It never fails to amaze me how quick and easy a job can be when the parts are correct and line up properly.

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