Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The ME attitude

The ME attitude comes from people believing that they are the most important people in this world. It is an attitude of self entitlement and that the world owes everything to them. This attitude breaks down communications and puts walls in place of friendly behavior. It effects everyone around both in behaving in the same manner or in dealing with this behavior in others. It disappoints me to know that I am even guilty of having this attitude at times. I think though that since I am seeing it so much in others of late I am able to recognise that I am doing it and I strive to stop it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today I feel old!

Today a piece of my past came back into my life. It was a shock to realize that time didn't stay still. I have written before that I refuse to be old. I had it brought home to me that I indeed have gotten older.

When I was 14 I used to care for a trio of sisters. I believe that Marjorie was all of 5 and her sisters were 3 and 2 respectively. These girls were precious in my life. Marjorie was a blessing of helpfulness and caring. Vickie was the little cuddly one, and Melissa hated my guts. To be fair though,Melissa didn't really like anyone that wasn't her mama or daddy. Each day in the summer of my fourteenth year, I cared for these blond-haired, blue-eyed, bundles of energy. I would take them for walks down to the park and let them play. We would walk in the neighborhood and play ring around the rosie in the yard. We colored pictures to hang on the refrigerator for when their parents returned. It was a time of innocence and pleasure.

Later, as I travelled through my teenage years and these children grew, we attended the same church. Vickie wanted to sit with me most Sunday mornings during church service. To keep her occupied and quiet, I would have her copy Bible verses that I had already written out for her. She would do her best to copy the printed words out and do it neatly so that I would place a smile at the top of her page. Because Vickie would sit with me, Melissa came to trust me more. She would come and sit with me if Vickie was there too. She would copy verses as well. The greatest joy that came to me was the Sunday I walked into church and she came over and gave me a hug.

Marjorie loved being with me as well. She liked to tell me about school and what she had done. She would smile and talk as long as I would listen. She also would copy Bible verses that I had written out in script letters for her to practice. She would sit there with such concentration as she practiced those letters. Sometimes the letters were even, sometimes they were not but I think I got more out of watching her and her sisters copy those precious words than I got from the sermons our pastor had worked so hard on.

I got older and left my home town and my home church. I eventually went to college and met the man I would marry. I rarely went back to where I had started life, but would think of these little girls that had been a part of my growing up. When I thought of them though it was always as the cute and cuddly little girls that I had taken care of. I never brought them forward in my mind any further than Marjorie being 10 years old or so.

Today Marjorie found me on the computer. When I saw the name she goes by now, I almost refused the friendship request.... not realizing who it was. Instead, I took a chance and accepted, rationalizing that I could always delete it afterwards if it turned out to not be someone I actually knew. I went and looked and photographs she had posted. I still almost hit that delete button. I still didn't see the girl in the woman who looked out at me from the photo. The next photo I pulled up was of Marjorie with her daughters. There was something in her eyes that clicked and I looked closer. I saw Vicki in Marjorie's oldest daughter and Melissa in Marjorie's youngest. I saw the smile that Marjorie would give me each Sunday as I would stand and listen to her tell about her week.

"My" little girls are all grown now. Marjorie is married with two young girls of her own. I am looking forward to finding out what is going on in the lives of her and her sisters. I am so glad she asked me to be her friend. Life it turning still and moving forward.... but heavens I feel old today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Artistic ability

I have been reading my mother's blog spots over the last few weeks since she began them. It never fails to amaze me how talent can be passed on from one person to another or how it may skip over people.
We have many talented people in our family. We like to craft in a variety of ways. My Grandmother makes many things out of what others might consider trash. She has created afghans both crochetted and knitted. I have one that I keep in my guest room that is a variety of small pieces made into squares and put together. She also makes quilts that are works of art. I learned today that she taught herself to knit. I have ornaments that she tatted or crochetted for me over the years and many other precious items she has created.
My mother is a wordsmith as well as an artist in other ways. She writes beautiful poetry and essays. She creates scrapbook albums with an artistic eye to color and detail. She also creates quilts and is able to crochet and knit. Added to this, she is able to draw and paint with skill. I am amazed at the work that she puts into items and yet she is able to appreciate items others create for her as well.
My sister creates quilts and wall hangings. She draws and paints and writes. She has so much imagination in what she does. I love to see the things she crafts.
The talent I call my own that no one else in the family does is cross stitch. I love that I am able to do something that takes time and energy but that none of the rest will ever create for themselves. I am able to quilt and crochet and I do quilling work as well. I don't have the creativity to draw or write well, but I am able to appreciate it in others.
My daughter is learning to sew on her sewing machine. I taught her to crochet many years ago and she is creative with it, comingup with items that I wouldn't have thought of. She writes stories and essays with an ease that I envy.
My son is an artist in his own right. He has his own style but draws well with charcoal pencil. He is also able to do origami that I think is incredible.
It is a blessing to see the ways that we all use the artistic abilities that have come to us. I am glad to have a variety of items that have been given over the years by the different artists in my family. I appreciate that I was deemed worthy of the gifts they created with their hands and minds!