Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dog for sale

Does anyone out there want a beautiful black and caramel mutt that looks a little like a greyhound and likes to eat furniture? She is mostly sweet tempered but for some reason can not keep from eating my couches. She also seems to like to eat stuffed animals. Maybe she has a stuffing deficiency or something. I don't know. My daughter has named her the Goat.

When my husband found out that I thought I was ready for another dog after losing 4 in about two years (two of them to parvo in the same week), he came home with Candy. She was a tiny little thing that someone had abandoned on the side of the road. She didn't even look to be old enough to be away from her mother. Our lab-pekinese mix took to her quickly and was playful and protective with her. It seemed like the perfect thing.

Candy liked to play tug and to be with us. She reacted well with other dogs and was a cute little thing. She ate all the time and while she grew she never seemed to be the right weight for her skeleton. I always worried she wasn't getting enough food.

Eventually we found that she was chewing everything up. At first it seemed like typical puppy behavior and we would correct her whenever we would find that she had done it.... shaking the item she had chewed and swatting her bottom or her nose. It didn't stop it. Over the past year and a half that we have had her she has now destroyed three couches and two twin mattresses not to mention the formal dress for a party my daughter was to attend and countless stuffed bears.

I asked the vet why she feels the need to do this. The vet couldn't give me an answer. Keeping her outside and away from furniture and other items she likes to chew is not an option for me at this point but I am seriously starting to think that it would be cheaper to put up a seven foot tall fence that had an additional three feet sunk into the ground to keep her from tunneling under, than it will be to keep replacing the daggone furniture she wants to ruin.