Thursday, April 28, 2011

trying to get healthy

I have decided after seeing pictures of myself at Easter, that I really don't like how I look. I have decided to do something about it again. I have tried numerous times to lose weight and it isn't an easy process but this time I am going to try again. There are people in my family that find it easy to lose weight and others that don't. I think mostly for me it will be a matter of keeping track of my calories taken in as well as the ones I burn. It is hard to do and I am amazed at the amount of calories in some of my favorite lunches. I think that a lot of lunches will come from home. I need to watch my portions again and cut back dramatically on the amount and times that I eat as well as getting my large behind out of the chair and doing some excersize.

I have a wii and the wii fit set up and just need to get started with it again. I think as well that if I could get up the gumption to walk I would find it much easier to shed the pounds.

Many years ago I walked off 45 lbs over the course of 10 months. Then again when I first moved to GA and we were without a car, I walked off that same 45lbs. I don't have a goal to be a tiny little thing that you can see my bones, but I do want to lose at least 50 lbs and more if my body will let me do it.

I need to resist the temptations of sweets and salts as those are what I crave many times. I will go back to drinking more water and let the tea alone. I need to eat more healthy foods and watch the way I cook them. It will not only help me but also my family.

Health issues in loved ones have led me to this decission as well as looking at the pictures of my large self. My last physical stated that despite my size my levels are normal. My doctor told me that I should lose weight but she couldn't point to anything that would force me to do it. I just really needed to get my own incentive again. If I can resist the temptations that are put in my path I know I can succeed.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Both my children are teenagers now and have been for some time. They are good kids who generally listen to the rules and structures that their father and I have put in place. They are both of an age to be dating.
My daughter has been dating the same young man for over two years now. My son just began dating a very nice young woman. My children get along well together... pretty much how siblings who are close in age will do I believe. Anyway, I am glad they get along well with each other and with the respective people the other is dating. It makes it easier for me because they can many times double date. I don't have to get one couple to one place and the other to another place. There aren't many things in the local area for teens to do for an outing that doesn't cost an arm and a leg anyhow.
One of the things that my kids do is to attend different get togethers with other teens that have paired off. It is something I like for them. It means they get to be with their respective dates but aren't alone. They get to have games and fun with others. The other night the four of them went to a get together that was supposed to be a movie night at a mutual friends house. Turned out that the kids played twister and mario cart and sat around talking all evening, but they all enjoyed their time together and it was a good way for everyone to get to know each other better.
I like this group dating idea more than individual dating I think. I don't think they have as much chance of temptation when they are with a group. I like that these kids all get along pretty well and take new comers into their group.
Proms and dances abound in the school and the kids attend them as well but the little Friday or Saturday night get togethers are more fun for them I think as they hang out and enjoy being together.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Easter is in just a few days. For me this year it means a trip with my teens to see my mother and grandmother. They live about 90 minutes away and you would think we would see each other more often then we do. Unfortunately there are many weekends now that the kids have things going on and I have to be the chauffeur.
I am looking forward to this Easter. It has been some time since we have been able to spend the night with Mom and not had a rushed trip for just the day. I always feel rushed when we go for just the day. I enjoy visiting with everyone and like having big family dinners but it is nice to have Mom's attention on me and my children as well.
Anyway, the plan is for us to go for Saturday and spend the night and visit through until Sunday afternoon. We are going to attend church with Mom and Papa and Gram. My daughter and I went to buy new dresses for the occassion and my son will wear a nice outfit as well.
Easter doesn't mean new clothes and candy in baskets though. I have been raised and have raised my children as well that this is a time of celebration of the fact that Jesus died for us and He didn't stay in the grave but rose again to ascend to Heaven where He is making a place for us. I look forward to the church service where we will gather with other believers and raise our voices in songs of celebration.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

God's Peace

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. This verse came to me this evening as I sat during a band concert at the high school. God gives us such peace if we only seek it from Him. It isn't something that we have to work for, it is freely given. It is something I can find in the stillness of my soul when I sit quietly and listen. I believe that God answers prayer. It isn't always in a showy manner. It isn't even always a prayer you know you are praying or that someone is praying for you. But prayers are answered. Recently we have been through a lot of health issues with my husband's father. I have asked for prayer for him and for our family from many sources. I have asked for peace and understanding in my soul. God has answered all the prayers. My father in law is still dealing with health issues but is on the road to the recovery that his body will allow. The rest of the family is prayerfully and quietly accepting the new order of things. It is going to take time for everything to be sorted out but I believe there is a more peacefull acceptance of the way things will need to be handled. I talked with a friend last night who informed me that he had been praying for my father in law as well as the rest of the family. I mentioned to him in passing something else that was weighing on my mind but not heavily. Today the item on my mind was answered. I hadn't even begun to pray earnestly about the issue but the silent wish in my heart was answered. I called my friend and asked if he had lifted that in prayer last night and he stated he had lifted it but not specifically. God answered it anyway. It relieved me to know that even when it isn't an earnest prayer, God knows the needs and wants in our lives and He answers appropriately. May you have peace and joy in your hearts and quietness in your minds, knowing that God cares for you as much as He cares for His Son.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

God's Beauty

I believe that God gave us flowers and plants to remind of us the beauty in His world. He wants us to remember that there is always warmth after cold and spring follows winter. That there is a regrowth and joy after sorrow. I find all these things when I am working in the gardens I swore as a child that I would never have. Amazing how He changed my mind when I was able to see the beauty of His creation.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Family photos

It has been six years since we had professional family photos taken. The last time was as we were moving into the home we had just signed a mortgage for. My daughter was just entering junior high school and now she is a junior in high school. It doesn't seem possible that so much time has past. I have had photos taken of the kids and we did a family photo with my husbands family, but we hadn't done one of just the four of us in that long. Yesterday we made an appointment and went to Walmart for a family photo. We ended up having about 40 pictures taken. I was amazed and thrilled at the same time. We did so many different combonations of the four of us and it was so very nice. Many of them came out so well. I was thrilled with the ones that we were shown. I didn't like the ones of just me and I didn't like my smile but I really liked the pictures. As the photographer showed us the pictures and then showed us the cost of the different packages, I began to wonder if we could do what I wanted and take all the pictures home. She began with the most expensive package and I knew that we weren't going to purchase that. The next two packages were more in line with what I thought was a feasable cost. They were still expensive but we would get the copy rights to the photos so we could use them in any means we saw fit. One package gave us the copy right and a disk of all the photos plus 2 10x13 family photos and 20 other sheets in whatever combonation we might want. The other package gave us all the same as the one except for only giving us 10 sheets in whatever combonation we might want. I looked to my husband to see what he would want to do. I was ok with the smaller package since we would have the copy right and could make whatever copies we might want. He chose the middle package that gave us more professional pictures. He also added one other special photo to the package. I look forward to picking up these photos and passing them out to family. I am glad that I will be able to give my grandmother and Mike's grandmother the photos they love to display. It has been so long since they have had any individual photos of either of us let alone any that are family photos.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

..... Don't say anything at all

To continue on the rant from earlier about not saying anything at all, I was reading a blog the other day by a very sweet lady who is educating others on her experiences of life growing up Amish. Apparently someone took it upon themselves to post a nasty comment anonymously. I didn't read the comment as it was removed prior to my reading the blog that day. It did however cause me some anger that someone decided to hide behind the computer and dish out something mean. When will people learn that just because we can't see them, doesn't mean that they aren't seen? God sees what is in our hearts and minds and He will be the final judge. Someday this mean person will have to stand before Him and account for the reasons behind their behavior. If only for their own sake they should have lived by the rule and not said anything at all.

If you can't say something nice.....

I was recently reading some posts online about one of my favorite teachers. Someone decided to ask a question and spread some gossip she'd heard. I refuted the message but it made me think again of what my mother had taught me growing up. "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all." Maybe what that woman said was true, but to what purpose was it to say it? This teacher passed away and is not around to dispute what was said about him. It makes me sad that someone felt the need to say something that could have ruined the reputation of a good man. I wish she had held her tongue and lived by that simple rule taught to me.